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several pharoah ants inside jacksonville fl home

The Trick To Effective Pharaoh Ant Control In Jacksonville

Aug 7, 2024

In Jacksonville, we're all used to the summer humidity and those classic Floridian rainstorms. As the seasons change, this weather can also create a cozy environment for ants looking for food, water, or a break from the outdoors. While surprising, some ants can carry bacteria like salmonella into our homes. One ant to watch out for is the Pharaoh ant, which sometimes seeks moisture in unexpected places, like hospitals. ...

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a flying ant on white patio chair

Everything You Need To Know About Flying Ants

Jul 24, 2024

If you've noticed a sudden swarm of winged insects around your property, you might have encountered flying ants. These are not a separate species but rather a reproductive stage in the life cycle of ants. Commonly seen in species like carpenter ants or fire ants, these ants grow wings to mate and establish new colonies. Both male and female ants in this phase are called alates and can be identified by their wings and larger size than regular w...

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german cockroach on bread

Why Are German Cockroaches In Jacksonville So Terrible?

Jul 5, 2024

Currently, German cockroaches are a big problem in Jacksonville and along the First Coast. Not that they aren’t an issue always; we’ve just seen a significant increase in activity lately. Why do they do so well here? There are a few key factors to consider. Today's blog post will identify how German roaches get in, where they prefer to hide, and what conditions allow them to thrive. We will also cover the health risks associated wi...

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german cockroach calls are increasing

Summer Is The Season For Pests

Jun 13, 2024

Although insects and rodents are active all year in our area, their activity noticeably increases during the hottest part of the year. You may have noticed more pests in your home during the summer months and wondered why. In today's blog, we will look at some of the common pests homeowners in Jacksonville and throughout the First Coast deal with, identify why pest activity increases, and how you can stop them from bugging you this summer....

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jacksonville resident sweating after exercising

Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted To Me?

May 10, 2024

Have you ever been at an outdoor party and noticed you're the only one mercilessly attacked by mosquitoes? It's not bad luck; there is a reason those mosquitoes are targeting you. Let's examine the science and discuss what makes one person more attractive to mosquitoes than another. As always, stick with us to the end, and we'll give you tips to help you deal with your mosquito problem....

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mosquito treatment

NPMA Predicts An Increase In Mosquito & Termite Activity

Apr 5, 2024

Twice a year, the National Pest Management Association releases its Bug Barometer. Their on-staff experts and Board-Certified Entomologists examine past weather patterns and forecasts for the coming year and consider their impact on pest biology. What do the experts have to say about the spring and summer of 2024? Let's take a look....

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cockroach crawling in kitchen sink in jacksonville fl

Where Do Cockroaches Hide In The Kitchen?

Mar 22, 2024

Coming across a cockroach scurrying across your kitchen floor is never a pleasant sight. After all, it is difficult to know where the vile pest has been before it arrived in your kitchen or how many of its friends it brought along. Unfortunately, kitchens attract cockroaches and offer plenty of hiding places. In this blog post, we’ll take a few minutes to explain how cockroaches get inside, where you should look for them in your kitchen,...

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