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The Trick To Effective Pharaoh Ant Control In Jacksonville

Aug 7, 2024

In Jacksonville, we're all used to the summer humidity and those classic Floridian rainstorms. As the seasons change, this weather can also create a cozy environment for ants looking for food, water, or a break from the outdoors. While surprising, some ants can carry bacteria like salmonella into our homes. One ant to watch out for is the Pharaoh ant, which sometimes seeks moisture in unexpected places, like hospitals. 

Keep reading to learn more about Pharaoh ants and how to guard against infestations! 

several pharoah ants inside jacksonville fl home

Identifying Pharaoh ants & understanding their risks

Pharaoh ants are usually pale, yellowish to reddish, with darker abdomens. They’re about 1/16 inch long and have six legs and antennae—small but not hard to spot if you’re looking.

Despite their diminutive size, Pharaoh ants can carry a variety of germs, including salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus. As we touched on above, hospitals are especially vulnerable because of open wounds, compromised immune systems, and the high risk of infection. 

Of course, Pharaoh ants aren’t great to have around in any business or home. In addition to carrying the pathogens mentioned above, Pharaoh ants may contaminate food and areas where food is prepped and stored. 

Another issue to consider is that their presence could indicate an underlying moisture issue, which can attract other moisture-loving pests, including termites. Moisture can also lead to structural damage. 

What attracts Pharaoh ants?

Since Pharaoh ants love moisture, they’re often found in places with leaks, damp spots, and high humidity. 

Food is another attractant. Pharaoh ants are always on the lookout for something to munch on. They infest kitchens and pantries and will take advantage of crumbs and spills left on counters and floors. 

Year-round warm weather is another draw for Pharaoh ants and many other pests. 

Although not necessarily an attractant, homes, and buildings that are easy to access face more risk for infestation than ones that are sealed up tight. 

Where Pharaoh ants nest 

Pharaoh ants like to make themselves at home in a few key spots in and around Florida homes and businesses, including the following:

  • Warm, hidden spaces
    These pests often nest in wall voids, electrical outlets, and insulation. 
  • Moisture-prone areas
    Pharaoh ants are often found in damp or prone-to-moisture spaces, such as under sinks, near leaks, and bathrooms. 
  • Food storage areas
    Kitchens and pantries are prime hot spots for Pharaoh ants. In fact, they love to nest close to potential food sources. 

Outside, Pharaoh ants establish nests in soil, under debris, around foundations, in plant beds, near sprinkler systems, and leaky pipes, to name a few. 

How to prevent Pharaoh ant infestations 

Here are some simple pest prevention tips to help you make your property less appealing to Pharaoh ants:

  • Store food and trash properly
    Keep food stored in tightly sealed containers, preferably glass. Use trash cans with snug-fitting lids, both indoors and outdoors, to avoid attracting ants.
  • Clean up crumbs and spills
    Ensure kitchen counters, cupboards, and pantry shelves are crumbs-free. Clean up grease, food, and drink spills promptly. 
  • Manage moisture 
    Find and address any moisture issues inside and out. Use dehumidifiers to keep indoor humidity in check and repair plumbing problems. Eliminate standing water in your yard as well. 
  • Seal entry points
    Seal cracks, gaps, and openings around utility pipes, foundations, doors, windows, or anywhere else from the ground level to the top of the structure. 
  • Keep the yard picked up
    Regularly cut grass and trim trees, shrubs, and other landscape elements. Clear away debris and store firewood several feet away from the side of the structure and up off the ground. 

The best way to get rid of Pharaoh ants

Pharaoh ants are tricky to deal with; here’s why property owners in Jacksonville and along the First Coast should contact a pest control company if they’ve discovered a Pharaoh ant infestation:

  • Pharaoh ants may have multiple colonies within a single nesting site. They also shift their nests frequently if they sense danger. 
  • They have complex nesting habits and nest in various locations, including behind walls, in insulation, and even with HVAC systems.  
  • DIY products are less effective against Pharaoh ants because they’ve developed resistance to some treatments. 

Rather than wasting time and money on DIY solutions for Pharaoh ants, contact Lindsey Pest Services as soon as you spot these ants in your home or business. 

Our local, woman-owned pest control company offers affordable and guaranteed home pest control services that target Pharaoh ants and 30+ other pests. Check out our Good Plan below for more information or contact our office with any questions! 

Good Pest Control Plan

If ants and other common household pests are infesting your home, Lindsey Pest's Good plan may be the perfect solution.  Starting at only $40* per month, this affordable year-round home pest control plan includes an initial interior and exterior inspection and treatment for your existing pest problem.  Every quarter, one of OUR experienced pest control technicians will return to perform an exterior treatment that is designed to control 30+ invading pests. 

  • Quarterly Pest Service

  • Lindsey Pest Free Guarantee

  • 30+ Common Pests

  • Webbing Removal (Up to 12 ft)

  • Wasp Removal (Up to 10 ft)

  • Rodent Control

  • Seasonal Mosquito Suppression

  • Fire Ant Control

  • Scorpion & Other Stinging Insect Control

Pests Covered In This Program:

*German Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, Brown Banded Cockroaches, Australian Cockroaches, Asian Cockroaches, Woods Roaches, Pharaoh Ants, Rover Ants, Thief Ants, Monomorium Ants, Acrobat Ants, Big-Headed Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants, Little Black Ants, Silverfish, Fire Brats, Springtails, Psocids, Crickets, Earwigs, Cellar Spiders, Jumping Spiders, Weevils, Cigarette Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles, and Fungus Gnats

Additional Details 

* New customers only - after initial fee. Some exclusions may apply.

* One year service agreement required

* Early cancellation fee may apply

exterminator inspecting jacksonville home

Calculate Your Price Today!

Click the circle that best describes your houses square footage for a price estimate for your home. If you don’t know your square footage give us a call or click request inspection for your custom price.

Initial Treatment


Monthly Charge

$40/month *

Home in Square Feet 0 - 1500

For assistance in exterminating Pharaoh ants in hospitals and other commercial environments, the Lindsey Pest team has the experience and expertise to tackle the problem. Visit our commercial pest control page or reach out with any questions. 

Contact Lindsey Pest Services today!

Lindsey Pest Services has served Greater Jacksonville and the First Coast from Fernandina Beach to Crescent Beach for over 65 years and has more than 23,000 satisfied customers. You can rely on our team to exterminate Pharaoh ants and other insects and rodents that show up in or around your home or business. 

Request your free inspection today!

This blog was originally published on August 27, 2021; it has been updated to include the most up-to-date information. 

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