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a mosquito on the stem of a plant

How To Protect Yourself From Jacksonville's Mosquitoes

Jul 29, 2021

Mosquitoes will be after you until they’ve successfully bitten you and sucked your blood. You won’t be able to step onto a patio without these pests surrounding you. Sometimes, you won’t even see them. It will be obvious they’ve been in your space, though, as you’ll have welts on your skin that are itchy and red....

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a flea up close on dog hair

All The Ways Fleas Get Into Jacksonville, FL Homes

Jul 20, 2021

Being outside in nature is how many people relieve stress. Some might go for a hike, while others will listen to music on the grass. You can do lots of things, but you'll have to be prepared to battle bugs. Fleas are seemingly all over the place. Given how common they are, people tend to underestimate their potential harm....

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fire ants crawling on a green leaf

How Dangerous Are Fire Ants On My Jacksonville, FL Property?

Jul 9, 2021

Most people wouldn’t be worried if they saw ants inside their Jacksonville, FL home or business. Folks tend to assume they are harmless because of how common they are. However, they present significant health risks. Ants have countless illness-causing germs. Further, some species can ruin your property. Fire ants are one subgroup that is prevalent in the region. Learn more about their dangers and what you can do to steer clear of...

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a house fly in a jacksonville kitchen

Five Simple Yet Effective Fly Control Tips For Jacksonville Homes

Jun 29, 2021

The constant buzzing could make anyone go mad. But flies in Jacksonville can be more than just annoying. They are dangerous to human and animal health, and they have, in the past, cost Florida millions of dollars in crop losses. Let us help you effectively control flies in your Jacksonville home with five simple tips to save your sanity and pantry....

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many wasps on a nest

What To Do About Wasp Nests On Your Jacksonville Property

May 26, 2021

Usually, spring is a time where many yearly pest problems begin. The colder months of winter have passed, and creatures that prefer warmer weather, such as ants, bees, and wasps, begin establishing their homes around properties. Here in Jacksonville, however, things are a bit different....

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