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A bed bug on furniture.

Bed Bug Control In Jacksonville: What To Do About An Infestation

Dec 9, 2021

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularis) are tiny parasites with a flat, oval-shaped body and a reddish-brown appearance that is often compared to an apple seed. Although they will feed on warm-blooded animals, they prefer to seek out human hosts, particularly while they are sound asleep in their Jacksonville homes. ...

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a roof rat sitting on wood

How Do I Prevent Mice From Infesting My Jacksonville, FL Home?

Oct 29, 2021

Roof rats are common in Florida and are also known as black, palm, or ship rats. They are climbers and area a medium-sized species with thin, light bodies. Roof rats also have smooth dark brown to black fur, a lighter underbelly, large ears, a pointed nose, and a long scaly tail. Like most other rat species, roof rats’ tails are longer than their bodies....

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bottle fly on watermelon

Jacksonville Homeowner's Ultimate Fly Control Guide

Sep 17, 2021

You can have two types of flies, the housefly or the cluster fly. They look very similar in appearance. Both are a complete nuisance and may make you want to run from your Jacksonville house screaming, but only one spreads diseases. That would be the common housefly. No worries, Lindsey Pest Services has got you covered....

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argentine ants crawling on food

Why Ants Invade Jacksonville, FL Homes & How To Keep Them Out

Sep 10, 2021

Ants (Formicidae) exist in over 10,000 species worldwide. Ants are insects with six legs that are omnivores and generally live in large colonies or armies. Although the most prominent types may reach one inch in length, most are roughly half that size. They are very opportunistic critters that can adapt well to indoor environments as necessary. ...

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spider crawling up a step

How To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Jacksonville Home

Aug 13, 2021

We all love living in Florida for the beautiful, diverse environment and wildlife, sandy beaches, and peaceful living. No matter where in Florida you live, however, it’s likely you have encountered unwelcome pests such as spiders in your home. Jacksonville’s humid climate may lead to pests seeking shelter in your home more often than in drier parts of the country. If you are worried about which pests may come into your Jacksonville...

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close up of bed bug on sheets

How To Tell If It's Bed Bugs In Your Jacksonville Home

Aug 6, 2021

Chances are, at one point or another, we have all considered or dealt with the nightmares of one of the most dreadful pests in the United States: the bed bug. While no one invites bed bugs into their home, this pest is quite common and extremely difficult to eradicate once it has infested your home thoroughly. For this reason, Lindsey Pest Services has put together a comprehensive collection of information on all things bed bugs, from identifi...

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