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two mice eating a biscuit

The Secret To Getting Rid Of Mice In Your Jacksonville Home

Jan 30, 2022

These tiny rodents might be comical in cartoons, but when they infiltrate your home in Jacksonville, they can be a real pain. There are different kinds of mice, but common house mice are always quick to gain entry. In fact, for any one mouse you do see scampering across your floor, there are at least half a dozen you don't nearby. This is because mice breed at a rapid pace....

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A rat near a home's foundation.

Jacksonville Resident's Complete Rodent Prevention Guide

Dec 30, 2021

Older houses tend to have unique sounds as they settle on their foundation, but unfortunately, rodent infestations can sound a lot like normal old house sounds if you're not paying attention. This can make detecting a rodent infestation difficult in your Jacksonville home....

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An American cockroach in a kitchen.

Why Are the Cockroaches In Jacksonville So Hard To Get Rid Of?

Dec 17, 2021

Cockroaches are troublesome insects with a flat body, six legs, and wings that sometimes invade Jacksonville homes. They are typically oily and odorous. More than 60 species of cockroaches exist throughout the U.S., and they are sometimes referred to as palmetto bugs or water bugs. In outdoor environments, they primarily consume plants or animals that are alive or dead....

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