How Cockroaches Get Into Florida Homes
Dec 7, 2018
When you live in Florida, seeing a cockroach every now and then is not unheard of. It is unpleasant, though, and it’s something that you hope occurs when you aren’t in your own home....
Dec 7, 2018
When you live in Florida, seeing a cockroach every now and then is not unheard of. It is unpleasant, though, and it’s something that you hope occurs when you aren’t in your own home....
Nov 28, 2018
The weather does get hot enough to keep us inside in the summer. Those theme parks can be ridiculously crowded if you go at the wrong time. And pests aren’t just a seasonal problem; they hang around all year. One pest that can cause problems in the fall, winter, spring, and summer is the flea....
Nov 16, 2018
Living in Florida means we must contend with pests throughout the year. We don’t experience the freezing weather of the northern states that push bugs into hiding, but there are still seasonal shifts within the bug populations of Florida....
Nov 8, 2018
However, some intruders aren’t deterred by security systems or flood lights or even locked doors. Some home invaders get inside without even being noticed. Not only do they get in, but they also remain in your home,...
Oct 31, 2018
Spiders. Halloween’s favorite creepy crawler is not a favorite for the many homeowners who have to deal with them. While spiders are active all year long, they do tend to become more active during the late summer and fall....
Oct 17, 2018
Moths, not unlike other common insect pests, seem to invade homes more frequently in the fall months. Indian meal moths and casemaking clothes moths are among the most prevalent type of pantry pests likely to invade your home this fall....
Oct 5, 2018
Most people know that rodents are avid chewers, but did you know why they gnaw so ferociously? They actually have teeth that grow continually....
Sep 28, 2018
While our northern counterparts are beginning to celebrate the end of mosquito season, here in Florida, we still have months to deal with these pesky backyard pests. Many Florida residents choose to live here due to the warm weather. Mosquitoes feel the same way!...
Sep 17, 2018
Fleas are about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen. They have flat oval-shaped bodies, 6 strong legs, and no wings. Most adult fleas are a dark reddish-brown to dark brown in color. Fleas at all immature stages, larva, pupa, and eggs, cannot usually be seen by the naked eye....
Sep 7, 2018
Bed bugs do not enter our homes based upon how clean or dirty we keep it. Bed bugs are just as likely to invade a clean home as they are a dirty one, they simply do not care about cleanliness or lack thereof....
Aug 31, 2018
We all know that stinging insects like bald-faced hornets, paper wasps, and yellow jackets have some good qualities: they are predators and keep nuisance insect populations down and are responsible for some pollination of plants and crops. But, just because we know their good qualities doesn’t mean that we can ignore their bad qualities!...
Aug 16, 2018
Cockroaches are very common summertime pests as the warm, humid summer weather causes them to become very active and begin scurrying around, feeding, and breeding. To keep these creepy, disease-spreading, difficult-to-eliminate pests from taking up residence inside your home, the professionals at Lindsey Pest Services want to provide you with some helpful information about cockroaches!...
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