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flea standing on surface

All The Problems Fleas Bring With Them

Sep 17, 2018

Fleas are about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen. They have flat oval-shaped bodies, 6 strong legs, and no wings. Most adult fleas are a dark reddish-brown to dark brown in color. Fleas at all immature stages, larva, pupa, and eggs, cannot usually be seen by the naked eye....

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bed bug on bed

How Bed Bugs Get Inside Florida Homes

Sep 7, 2018

Bed bugs do not enter our homes based upon how clean or dirty we keep it. Bed bugs are just as likely to invade a clean home as they are a dirty one, they simply do not care about cleanliness or lack thereof....

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wasp on glass cup

Why You Shouldn’t Try To Handle Stinging Insects Alone

Aug 31, 2018

We all know that stinging insects like bald-faced hornets, paper wasps, and yellow jackets have some good qualities: they are predators and keep nuisance insect populations down and are responsible for some pollination of plants and crops. But, just because we know their good qualities doesn’t mean that we can ignore their bad qualities!...

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cockroach in kitchen

How Cockroaches Are Getting Inside This Summer

Aug 16, 2018

Cockroaches are very common summertime pests as the warm, humid summer weather causes them to become very active and begin scurrying around, feeding, and breeding. To keep these creepy, disease-spreading, difficult-to-eliminate pests from taking up residence inside your home, the professionals at Lindsey Pest Services want to provide you with some helpful information about cockroaches!...

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carpenter ants in jacksonville

The Many Problems Ants Bring To Jacksonville Residents

Jul 31, 2018

Ants, ants, and more ants! Ants are everywhere in Florida right now and could be putting you, your family members, and your home at risk! These pests can be dangerous and destructive. They can also be extremely annoying, bite, and all of them have the potential to cause health problems....

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termite mud tube in florida home

Have Termites Gotten Inside My Home?

Jul 18, 2018

July is peak season for termites and termite activity in Florida, and while you may have already started to worry about what this termite season will look like or be fearful that you may be experiencing termite activity on your property already, don’t worry; there are professional pest control solutions that can help deal with these wood-destroying pests!...

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bed bug on jacksonville bed

Protecting Jacksonville Homes From Bed Bugs This Vacation Season

Jul 6, 2018

If you are a homeowner in the Jacksonville area, you may already be experiencing problems with bed bugs this year. If you are currently dealing with a bed bug infestation, think you may have one, or want to learn how to prevent bed bugs from invading your home in the future, you have come to the right place!...

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