Where Termite Damage Occurs In Florida Homes And How To Identify It
Apr 9, 2019
Apr 9, 2019
Mar 28, 2019
Now is the time to watch for stinging insects around your Jacksonville home. Emerging in the spring, they’ll continue to multiply all summer long. If you have stinging insects around your home now, when the end of summer rolls around you’ll be overwhelmed by their numbers!...
Mar 12, 2019
Mosquitoes are active in temperatures of 50 degrees and higher. This means we can potentially deal with mosquitoes the majority of the year here in Jacksonville. That’s right, we aren’t the only ones enjoying the milder temperatures!...
Mar 11, 2019
When anything important enough happens in life, we mark it with a day or week. In the case of Termite Awareness Week (March 11-17), it is to remember termites and the threat they pose to properties each year. It is not a time for celebration but a friendly reminder that termites are around, and that without proper protection, your property could be their next feeding ground....
Mar 6, 2019
There are many things that are plentiful here in Florida, like palm trees, sun, sand, and ants. There are also many different types of ants within the great state of Florida....
Feb 28, 2019
Chances are if you live here in Florida you have heard of termites, but have you heard of termite season? Once winter comes to a close and we move into the warmer months, termites begin getting ready to do something called swarming. The first wave of swarmers comes in the spring usually after a rain event and consists of subterranean termite swarmers, winged termites embarking out from their colonies in search of new areas to call home....
Feb 20, 2019
Have you ever wondered why spiders never go away here in Florida, but they seem to take the fall and winter off in other states? The difference comes down to one word, cold....
Feb 6, 2019
If you were to ask Florida residents to list some of the insect pests they wished would never get into their homes, chances are, cockroaches would be pretty high on that list. Cockroaches are one of those disturbing insects that most people do not want to have to deal with, and for more reasons, than you may think....
Jan 31, 2019
You’ve spent many days waiting for the moment when it is cold enough to pull your box of sweaters out of the attic. Finally, the day comes! You excitedly open up the box and pull out the sweater on top. As you hold it up, you realize something is wrong. It’s littered with small holes....
Jan 18, 2019
When rodents break into your Jacksonville home, part of the reason they are there is to take things that belong to you, but that’s not the whole story. They’re also quite interested in something that most burglars are not interested in. They want to move in to stay....
Jan 11, 2019
While some pests come and go with the changing seasons, bed bugs remain active throughout the entire year. This is because bed bugs live almost exclusively inside man-made structures and have access to a constant food source; they feed on our blood. So, while some pests are forced into dormancy or hibernation because of dwindling food supplies, bed bugs can get a meal all year long and live in a home indefinitely....
Dec 28, 2018
Where else in the U.S. can you get in your car and drive from coast to coast in a day? The happy truth is that we love Florida. The sad truth is that termites do too....
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