Biggest Spider Threats In Jacksonville, Florida
Oct 31, 2018
Spiders. Halloween’s favorite creepy crawler is not a favorite for the many homeowners who have to deal with them. While spiders are active all year long, they do tend to become more active during the late summer and fall.

Spiders. Halloween’s favorite creepy crawler is not a favorite for the many homeowners who have to deal with them. While spiders are active all year long, they do tend to become more active during the late summer and fall. Spiders are not drawn to heat like many other insects, however, they are drawn to places that have better food sources. Because many other insects are drawn to the warmth of your home in the fall, spiders follow them in order to set up webs in areas where there is more insect traffic.
Black Widows
When people think of dangerous spiders, black widows are the type of spider that most people’s minds jump to. Notoriously recognizable for the distinctive red hourglass displayed on their abdomen, black widows are a spider that most people have heard about from either news articles or friends who have dealt with them before. Though these arachnids only bite in self-defense, they have become well-known for the punch that their venom packs. A black widow’s venom is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake’s in comparison to the amount of venom released by their bite. It can lead to muscle aches, nausea, paralysis, and difficulty breathing. While black widow bites are not fatal to most people, exceptions to this are when children, the elderly, and people with preexisting health issues are bitten.
Brown Recluse
Also known as the fiddleback or violin spider due to the dark brown violin shape that is on their cephalothorax, brown recluse spiders get their name from their reclusive tendency to hide out of sight. They like to hide in warm, dark places such as wood piles, rocks, or unused boxes and closets that are in your home. When bitten, it is important that you seek medical attention right away, because brown recluse bites can be very dangerous to your health. Side effects include fever, restlessness, and trouble sleeping. If left untreated, bites from these spiders can result in the decay of tissue around the affected area and, in extreme cases, has led to severe scarring.
Garden Spiders
In various locations, garden spiders are referred to as banana spiders, golden orb-weavers, writing spiders, and corn spiders. These spiders are known for their large size and yellow and black striped coloring. Being bitten by a garden spider can lead to mild swelling and slight discomfort, but does no major damage to the person bitten.
Grass spiders
These spiders are among several other types of spider that build funnel-shaped webs. They prefer to create these webs in areas with a high level of insect traffic, making areas with tall grasses, foundations, and stairs a target. Grass spiders are typically shy and would rather hide from humans than bite them, but similar to most spiders, they only bite people when threatened. A grass spider bite will only produce redness or slight swelling and is no more painful than most other spider bites.
If you know you have a spider infestation on your hands, or would like to know more about the spiders that may be residing on your property, contacting an experienced pest control expert is your best option. Lindsey Pest Services is experienced with all types of pest problems, including those that spiders cause. With our residential pest control services, you can be sure that we will deal with any and all pests living on your property. Give Lindsey Pest Services a call or contact us online to schedule your free inspection.