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ants coming out of a hole

Don't Let Carpenter Ants Damage Your Florida Home

Jun 19, 2019

With spring giving way to summer, we have entered prime ant season. While ants pose a variety of problems for homeowners, most don’t compare to the issues that carpenter ants can cause. Don’t let carpenter ants damage your Florida home this year!...

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fly on meat

How To Keep Flies Out Of The Kitchen In Summer

Jun 12, 2019

When the weather heats up, so too does the pest population. While we tend to deal more with outdoor pests than indoor pests during the summer, that’s not always the case. On the hottest days, many pests find their way indoors looking for a respite from the heat. They may also come inside to look for food. One such pest is the fly. If you’d like to know how to keep flies out of the kitchen this summer, read on....

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technician speaking to homeowner

Why Leave Wasp And Hornet Problems In Jacksonville To The Professionals At Lindsey

May 30, 2019

You are enjoying a nice, peaceful time in your Jacksonville backyard when you notice a hornet nearby. As you watch it hovering, another appears, then another... While one hornet may not be cause for concern, you know that many hornets this close in proximity is an indication that there is a nest nearby. Now you have a choice. Find and take care of it yourself or leave the problem to the professionals at Lindsey. Here’s why you should cho...

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a colony of black ants festering a freshly bloomed flower in a florida garden

How To Keep Your Lawn Ant Free In 2019

Apr 30, 2019

It’s impressive how well ants work together to pester us on a day-to-day basis. The scavenging lines they make in and out of our kitchens are surprisingly organized. The portions of food they steal sometimes seem too big for their little bodies to carry, yet time and time again, they find a way....

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a swarm of termites biring theor way through a wooden structure in a home in florida

Where Termite Damage Occurs In Florida Homes And How To Identify It

Apr 9, 2019

Most of the time, when pests have invaded our homes, we are fully aware. We can see them under our feet, we can watch them stealing our food, sometimes we can even smell them and know what they are before seeing them. Termites are a little different. They have no major smell, they don’t invade in conventional ways, and they are almost completely silent. Does this mean they are un-spottable? No, but it does mean you have to know where to ...

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a large swarm of adult termites damaging jacksonville wood structure

What Jacksonville Homeowners Should Know About Termite Awareness Week

Mar 11, 2019

When anything important enough happens in life, we mark it with a day or week. In the case of Termite Awareness Week (March 11-17), it is to remember termites and the threat they pose to properties each year. It is not a time for celebration but a friendly reminder that termites are around, and that without proper protection, your property could be their next feeding ground....

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