Seven Easy Ways To Reduce Mosquito Numbers Around Your Jacksonville Yard
When Jacksonville mosquitoes come into your yard, they are irritating pests. They can also present a health threat for you and your family. If you're tired of being swarmed by mosquitoes every time you want to enjoy your yard, we have seven easy ways to reduce the population of mosquitoes around your home. But first, here's why it is crucial to do so.
Why Having Fewer Mosquitoes Is Better
Mosquitoes in Jacksonville don't buzz around neighborhoods moving from yard to yard in search of someone to bite. They are far too lazy for that. These freeloaders hang out in your vegetation and other key hiding places around your home, waiting for a victim to walk by. This is why mosquito reduction can have a significant impact. When you take the time to apply the following tips, you're likely to notice the difference.
1. Remove Containers
Many mosquito species breed in stagnant water—and it doesn't take much water. If a female mosquito can find an inch of stagnant water, she can lay her eggs. In a little over a week, those eggs can become flying adult mosquitoes. After mating, a female mosquito can lay a hundred eggs at a time. We don't have to tell you how bad it is to have a hundred mosquitoes hatch in your yard.
Pick up toys, cups, dishes, and other objects from your yard and deck that can capture rainwater.
Address conditions that allow puddles to form.
Alter conditions that let water sit on tarps, awnings, and other things.
2. Clean Out Your Gutters
When gutters get clogged, water can pool. Mosquitoes commonly use these high and out of sight breeding sites. You can prevent this by having your gutters cleaned. Keep in mind that this is something you should do anyway. A clean and working gutter system will help you protect the wood of your home from wood rot and damage from wood-destroying pests.
3. Circulate water
Do you have a water source that can't be moved? If so, you should consider installing a circulating pump. When water is kept moving, it becomes unusable as a breeding site for mosquitoes.
4. Reduce Moisture
Some mosquito species can breed on dampened ground. When you reduce the oversaturation of ground soil, you can reduce these mosquitoes.
Cleaning your gutters will help with reducing ground saturation. This is even more reason to get this done.
Fix any plumbing leaks, such as a leaky spigot or sprinkler.
Trim tree canopy in areas that tend to stay damp. This could let the sunshine in to dry up the moisture.
Water your plants in the early morning to prevent moisture from sitting overnight.
5. Remove Plants That Capture Rain
There are broad-leaved plants that can hold rainwater and allow mosquitoes to breed in your yard. Removing them can reduce mosquitoes. You may also tap on them to remove the water and resist the development of mosquitoes. Routine treatments of these plants are another way to eliminate mosquitoes. This should be done by a licensed professional.
6. Open Up Your Vegetation
If you have lots of weeds or dense vegetation, this can create ideal conditions for mosquitoes. Not only do these conditions increase moisture and humidity, but plants are a source of food for mosquitoes. Both male and female mosquitoes eat nectar and plant sap to survive.
7. Have Treatments Applied
It can be challenging to keep track of objects in your yard that can capture rainwater. It can be hard work cleaning gutters and taking steps to keep your perimeter dry. It takes effort to pull up plants, remove weeds and keep things trimmed. But you don't have to do nearly as much work if you invest in mosquito reduction from Lindsey Pest Services. Our team members apply a mist to strategic areas around your home to break the cycle of reproduction. This bolsters your defenses and helps to overcome many of the unique challenges of maintaining a mosquito-resistant yard.
Do you have questions about mosquito reduction in Jacksonville, or would you like to start a mosquito control service for your property? Connect with us today. Our family of licensed pest professionals is standing by to help your family stay protected from mosquito-borne diseases in Jacksonville.
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