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Mosquito Control in Jacksonville: Tips for a Bite-Free Spring

Mar 18, 2025

Although mosquitoes in Jacksonville don’t take the winter off, it’s not unusual to see an increase in mosquito activity as spring arrives. Mosquitoes love the warmer temperatures, so this is the time of year when activity and breeding will intensify. If you’d like to avoid this surge- and the bites that go along with it- you need Lindsey Pest Services’ mosquito control tips!

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Reasons to avoid mosquitoes in Jacksonville

It wouldn't take long to answer if someone asked you why you want to avoid mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are quite possibly the most annoying pests in Jacksonville. They buzz around your head when you go outside, forcing you to swat them away constantly, and they cover you in bites that itch for days afterward. Mosquitoes can quickly ruin a nice evening outside.

However, that’s not the only reason to avoid mosquitoes. These pests are more than a nuisance; they’re a health risk. Although not every mosquito you encounter is carrying a disease, some do. If you get bitten by an infected mosquito, you may end up with whatever illness that mosquito carries.

Here in Jacksonville, mosquitoes have been known to spread West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis, and St. Louis encephalitis.

Most people who contract West Nile virus don’t even know they have it. For those who develop symptoms, most will only deal with mild, flu-like symptoms that resolve independently. In a very small percentage of cases, more serious symptoms can develop.

When it comes to mosquito-borne diseases in Jacksonville, Eastern equine encephalitis and St. Louis encephalitis are the more concerning illnesses. Thankfully, they are exceedingly rare, with only one or two people in Florida contracting them yearly. With these illnesses, people can develop symptoms of encephalitis, meningitis, or coma. The fatality rate is somewhere between 5-15% for St. Louis encephalitis, while Eastern equine encephalitis has a fatality rate of 30-45%.

Wondering about Zika Virus in Jacksonville? While Zika virus isn’t making headlines like it once did, it’s still important to stay informed—especially in a warm, mosquito-friendly climate like Jacksonville. The good news? There haven’t been any locally transmitted cases in Florida in a few years. However, mosquitoes can still carry diseases, so it’s always smart to protect yourself.

How you might be attracting mosquitoes

Despite your efforts to avoid mosquitoes, you may inadvertently attract these biting pests. From how you maintain your Jacksonville yard to your drink of choice, many things can contribute to the mosquito problem on your property. Some of the things that attract mosquitoes include:

  • Moisture and standing water
  • Overgrown trees, bushes, shrubs, and grass
  • Flowers
  • Sweat
  • Dark clothing
  • Alcohol
  • Movement
  • Type O blood
  • Pregnancy

Although some of these are unavoidable (you can’t change your blood type!), understanding what attracts mosquitoes can help you take steps to prevent them.

How to prevent mosquitoes

How can you prevent mosquitoes around your Jacksonville property? Start by changing your surroundings.

  • The best way to reduce mosquito populations is to eliminate standing water and excess moisture. Stagnant water is necessary for mosquito breeding, so areas with a lot of water are more attractive. Remove items that collect water, refresh bird baths regularly, fill low spots in your lawn and driveway, and unclog your gutters.
  • Cut back vegetation. This has the combined benefit of reducing moisture and eliminating mosquito resting areas. Trim your grass, remove unnecessary tree branches, and keep your shrubs and bushes pruned.
  • Wear light-colored clothing when outdoors. Consider wearing long sleeves and pants for better coverage.
  • After working out, shower and change your clothing before spending time outside.
  • Consider consuming alcoholic beverages inside.
  • Spray DEET on your clothing if you know you’ll be in an area with many mosquitoes.
  • Consider staying indoors during the early morning and evening hours when mosquito activity is at its highest.

Although these prevention strategies will help you avoid bites, they will only partially reduce the mosquito population on your property. For best results, you need mosquito control for your Jacksonville property.

How to reduce mosquitoes around your Jacksonville property

The best way to reduce mosquitoes is with professional mosquito control from Lindsey Pest Services. Depending on your needs, we will visit your property every six weeks to three months. During our mosquito service, we’ll treat the areas where mosquitoes rest and breed around your Jacksonville property; this reduces adult mosquito populations and prevents new mosquitoes from maturing.

Contact Lindsey for the best mosquito control in Jacksonville

At Lindsey Pest Services, we offer on-going mosquito treatments as a stand-alone service or as part of our home pest control plan. We understand mosquitoes are a year-round issue in Jacksonville, so bundling treatments with your home pest control plan provides comprehensive pest control coverage at a lower cost. To learn more about our mosquito control or to schedule your service, contact Lindsey Pest Services today.

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