What do Pharaoh ants look like?
Pharaoh ants are a small species (1/16 of an inch) of ant that live together in large colonies. Their bodies are light yellow to red, and they have red or black abdomens. The queen is slightly darker in color than the workers. These ants are often identified by their ability to establish multiple colonies throughout a structure and survive most household pest control treatments.

When are Pharaoh ants most active?
What attracts Pharaoh ants?
Pharaoh ants are attracted to Jacksonville properties that offer easy access to food, water, and shelter sources. Pharaoh ants feed on a wide variety of food, including sweets, oils, and proteins. Open garbage containers, compost piles, pet food, outdoor eating areas, and gardens can initially attract pharaoh ants to your property.
Where do Pharaoh ants nest?
Pharaoh ants prefer to nest in warm and humid areas, such as inside homes and other buildings like hospitals and food processing facilities. They like to nest in areas such as:
Behind baseboards
In walls voids
Underneath of floors
Near hot water pipes
Behind large appliances
Pharaoh ants are particularly problematic and difficult to get rid of. When their colony is disturbed, members of the colony will move to new locations and create new colonies and nesting areas - this process is called “budding.”
Are Pharaoh ants dangerous?
Pharaoh ants can be considered a dangerous species of ant. They carry and transmit several dangerous pathogens, including Salmonella and Streptococcus. They often invade hospitals, where they contaminate patient wounds and intravenous bags. When nesting inside a home, they contaminate food and the surfaces of your home with the bacteria they carry on their bodies and legs.
How do I get rid of Pharaoh ants?
To get rid of Pharaoh ant infestations, it's best to use professional pest control services. Lindsey Pest Services provides effective residential pest control and commercial pest management solutions in Greater Jacksonville and along the First Coast to exterminate these pests. If you've discovered Pharaoh ants or other types of ants in or around your home or business, reach out today!
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