Answers To Commonly Asked Questions About Ants In Jacksonville
Mar 30, 2023
There is no shortage of ants here in Florida, and many species will invade our homes. Most ants are nuisance pests, while some are cause for concern. For example, untreated carpenter ants in Jacksonville can cause severe damage to your home. Some types of ants spread diseases as well.
Ants are among the most popular reasons people seek assistance from Jacksonville pest control companies. Read on to learn the most common species of ants in our area. We’ll review what might attract ants to your property, share some ant prevention tips, and help you find the ant control solutions that will work for your home and your specific ant problem.

How Can I Tell What Type Of Ant Has Invaded My Home?
The following list entails the ants most likely to invade Jacksonville homes:
- Acrobat ants
- Argentine ants
- Carpenter ants
- Crazy ants
- Ghost ants
- Odorous house ants
- Pavement ants
- Pharaoh ants
- White-footed ants
If you need assistance identifying ants on your property, contact a company familiar with ant pest control near you.
Does An Ant Infestation Mean My Home Is Dirty?
An infestation does not mean your house is dirty; ants will invade any home. Most ants are searching for food, water, and shelter. Sweet sugary foods will attract most ants, but the reason for an infestation depends on the species.
Carpenter ants in Jacksonville build their nests in moist, soft wood, so promptly replace any water-damaged wood in your house. You may find pavement ants in your house nesting in masonry walls at ground level.
Pharaoh ants in your home can harm your health; they are known to spread several diseases and should be dealt with promptly. These ants are attracted to warm, humid areas in your home, especially near food and water sources.
Most invading ants are nuisance pests, such as Argentine ants and odorous house ants. However, all types of ants can contaminate surfaces and food in your home with harmful bacteria. If you suspect the more troublesome species or have an abundance of nuisance ones, work with a pest control company to find the best ant control solutions for your situation.
How Do I Prevent Ants From Coming Into My Home?
Here are a few helpful ant prevention tips to keep them from coming into your home:
- Any love sugary sweets but will eat just about anything we do. Proper food storage is essential to preventing ants. Take care to clean up any spills or crumbs quickly.
- Ants need water to survive, so you should eliminate moisture and standing water. Repair any leaky pipes, downspouts, and air conditioner lines. Also, use a dehumidifier wherever you have moisture issues.
- Keep branches and plants cut back from your house; ants often use these to enter your home.
Teaming up with a local pest control company can help you find the most effective ant control and prevention methods available.
What’s The Best Way To Get Rid Of Ants In My House?
Many over-the-counter products sold for ant control are ineffective. Different types of ants require different types of ant control solutions. Proper identification is key to solving an ant problem.
You will find the most effective ant control available by working with a company experienced in ant pest control near you. Local companies like Lindsey Pest Services have teams of highly trained experts that can identify the ants, eradicate them from your home or property, and help you to find ways to keep them from returning. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection.