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swarming termites laying on the ground

Five Quick & Simple Ways To Protect Your Jacksonville Property From Termites

Oct 20, 2020

In Jacksonville, it isn't a matter of if your home will be attacked by termites, but rather a matter of when. The easiest and most effective way to protect your property is to invest in professional termite control service. But you might not be ready to make this important investment. If you're in this boat, we strongly encourage you to at least implement the following five quick and simple steps to protect your property the best you can. You ...

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an indian meal moth in a kitchen

How To Keep Indian Meal Moths Out Of Your Jacksonville Pantry

Oct 9, 2020

It is impossible to prevent Indian meal moths from getting into your pantry. Why? Because pantry moths can already be inside the products you purchase from the grocery store. They can even be inside packages that have not been damaged. So, how on earth do you keep these moths out of your food? Here are three methods that can help you prevent meal moths from being a part of your meals....

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fruit flies on banana

Everything You Need To Know About The Elusive Fruit Fly

Jun 15, 2020

We all let bananas ripen on the countertop and tomatoes sit on the windowsill to ripen to that perfect shade of juicy redness. However, if they sit for one day too long, the likely result will be an influx of fruit flies. When fresh produce comes indoors, it's free of these flying pests. Suddenly, fruit flies seem to appear out of nowhere. Where to fruit flies come from?...

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millipede curled up on a rock

How Much Do You Really Know About Millipedes In Jacksonville?

Jun 11, 2020

In Jacksonville, numerous pests concern homeowners. That’s why it can be difficult to stay on top of which ones to be concerned about and which ones are just a mere nuisance. Besides, it doesn’t help when one harmless pest is easily mistaken for a harmful pest. One such pest is the millipede....

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a paper wasp crawling on an exterior wall

The Truth About Paper Wasps In Jacksonville

May 28, 2020

What’s black, yellow, and flies all over? Is this a trick question? There are thousands of species of bees and wasps, and many of them share similar characteristics. However, if you spot some flying, angry-looking insects with stingers, you may be dealing with a common type of Jacksonville wasp: the paper wasp. ...

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an ant infestataion in a house

Are These Ants In My Jacksonville Home Dangerous?

May 11, 2020

Growing up, it seemed we were always battling invading ants. As a child, I'd refer to them by their size and color. The small red and black ants seemed to be the ones that mom hated -- those were the ones in our pantry and in our kitchen. Dad hated the stinging red ants that built huge dirt mounds all over the lawn. ...

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