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Do I Need To Worry About Pavement Ants On My Jacksonville Property?

Apr 9, 2021

Here in Jacksonville, homeowners have a lot to worry about, including the threat of infestation by various home-invading pests. Of those home-invading pests, ants are common perpetrators. However, with a handful of ant species in the area, it can be hard to keep track of which are dangerous and simply nuisance pests. One such ant that many folks don’t know all that much about is the pavement ant. Pavement ants are common invaders of both Jacksonville properties and homes. As such, you need to know just how worried you should be if they come onto your property. Furthermore, it is essential to know how to help deter pavement ants, and other ant species, from coming onto your property and into your Jacksonville home.

several pavement ants on fruit

What Do Pavement Ants Look Like?

Pavement ants are smaller species of ant, growing to be about 1/8th of an inch long. They have segmented, oval-shaped bodies, six legs, antennae, and mandibles for chewing. Moreover, pavement ants are typically dark brown or black. Based on appearances alone, it can be challenging to distinguish pavement ants from other similar-looking species. The best method for identifying pavement ants is by locating their nests. As their name might suggest, pavement ants like to build their nests in the cracks and crevices of paved or cement areas such as sidewalks, walkways, foundations, and driveways. If pavement ants build their nest somewhere on your property, they can begin to enter your home searching for food, water, or shelter. 

Are Pavement Ants Dangerous?

Pavement ants have been known to use their mandibles to inflict painful bites on people who handle them. However, this only occurs in rare instances. For the most part, pavement ants are not considered to be dangerous. However, they don’t come without their drawbacks. For starters, since they eat much of the same food as us, pavement ant infestations can lead to food contamination. That means you need to spend your hard-earned money on replacing food that is no longer safe to eat. Furthermore, pavement ants invade in extremely large numbers, making eliminating them feel next to impossible. In fact, without the proper knowledge or equipment, trying to get rid of pavement ants from your Jacksonville home will probably end up being a waste of your time and money.

How Can You Prevent Pavement Ants From Entering Your Home?

To prevent pavement ants from invading your home, you should remove any factors that might attract them inside. Furthermore, it is important to seal off any potential entry points through which pavement ants might access your home. To accomplish these prevention measures, you should:

  • Store all food in airtight containers or the refrigerator.
  • Store trash in bins with tight-fitting lids.
  • Take out the garbage regularly to prevent it from overflowing.
  • Clean up any spills or crumbs from your countertops or floors immediately.
  • Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
  • Install weatherstripping around windows and exterior doors.
  • Fill in any cracks in your home’s foundation.

What To Do If Pavement Ants Infest Your Jacksonville Home?

If you find pavement ants infesting your Jacksonville home, don’t waste your time and money trying to get rid of them on your own. Instead, contact the professionals here at Lindsey Pest Services, and let us take care of the problem for you. Here at Lindsey Pest Services, we offer quality pest treatments that you can count on to eliminate an ant infestation you are dealing with effectively. Furthermore, we also provide ongoing treatment plans to ensure your Jacksonville property remains free of ants and other home-invading pests all year long. Nobody wants ants invading their home, and you don’t have to live with them. Give us a call today for all your ant and pest control needs.

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